Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Typical 3D Smart Editing Operations

Use the standard MicroStation solids modeling tools to create your 3D model.

Use the modification tools to add features, push and pull vertices and faces to get the 3D model that is required.

Note: If the Lock flag for the 3D feature is set then the Graphic Group lock can be toggled off and on as required to achieve the proper operation.

For instance, in some 3D editing, deleting a face may cause the entire feature to be deleted if Delete to Parent is On. For this case you would want to set the Graphic Group lock Off.

But if you were deleting part of the entire building with the expectation that the entire building feature would be deleted, then you would turn the Graphic Group lock on.

Details on how to use all of these tools are available in the MicroStation Help file.

Drop the 3D model to surfaces using the Drop tool with the options shown.

Note: Solids with circles or arcs must be converted to a collection of shapes without arcs or circles. Converting solids with circles or arcs to Mesh before using the Drop tool allows this automatic conversion.

Use the Promote method for the selected polygon feature to promote the polygons that make up your model into an XFM feature with the appropriate properties.

The XFM feature instance produced from this operation is now suitable for use by the Create XFM Solid tool.

Note: Using the MicroStation 3D solids tools to create the model ensures that the polygon faces are connected and make up a complete solid. For details on how to use existing models to build smart solids, see the section: Using existing data in 3D Smart Editing

This model can be converted to and from an editable 3D solid with the tools provided in Bentley Map.